Rawlins Family

Rawlins Family

Monday, January 12, 2009

Because this is my blog and I can blog about anything I dang well please and if you don't like it you should stop reading my blog or stop being my friend or stop being related to me...

So yeah, one more thing about Twilight.

Read this. No, seriously. Just do it.

p.s. Eric Snider is famous in the BYU community because he used to write for/edit the school paper. He's frickin' hilarious. So you should just go ahead and read everything he's ever written. Ever.

p.p.s. While you're at it, you should read Joel Stein. He's my fave satirist/columnist for Time Magazine. If it were proper I'd invite him to live with us. Here's a good example of the many reasons why I love him.


Nicole said...

I loved that post too:) And I love Eric Snyder too. And Boone and I cracked up at all his articles in The Daily Universe too.

We ARE the same person.

Boone and I actually have two books of his columns at BYU, and from time to time we pull them out and laugh ourselves silly over his Police Beat spoofs and letters to the editor.

But really Anna? I am shocked and appalled that you would endorse a writer that wasn't educated at the Lord's university. I mean, the guy probably has a BEARD and drinks caffeine! I'm pretty sure you just violated the Honor Code with that one. (Picture me giving you a self-righteous stare -- usually reserved for those who don't stop for the national anthem during a blizzard;)

Anna@Exasperation said...

As a Babylon-Educated person I'm not too worried about the honor code. I love me some Joel Stein.

Hohmann Family said...

Very funny!! Thanks for sharing.

Deb said...

I should have posted your birthday-related comment up here, so as not to have it lost in the comment graveyard. But I didn't.

I thought he was funny also too.

Deb said...

And, uh, you recommend articles on wine sold in plastic bottles?

Anna@Exasperation said...

I recommend the writer and his funny material. Even to a non-drinker the idea of wine in a plastic bottle is humorous. Especially as Joel writes it.

Sara K. said...

Speaking of wine in bottles... I read a thing in People magazine about Alec Baldwin recovering (?) alcoholic and how he would drive around drinking wine in plastic water bottles...

Good stuff. I should have saved myself a few days of reading and just taken in his screenplay, much shorter and spot on.

And Babylon-educated, classic. I think I pretty much graduated from Satan's University. There was a day of mourning when we dropped out of the Top Ten Party Schools ranking.

Deb said...

Ahhh, now see, I thought that Joel's link must have updated to a new article, one on wine in bottles, instead of, say, "Things you might overhear at Walmart...," which is what you originally thought was funny. Which would have been funny and ironic. Had that happened. But it didn't. I'm all for wine in bottles, particularly if it's blue.

Wiseguys said...

Yay for girls night!!! And I do think Jen got her good side in most of those pics. I, however, am hopelessly unphotogenic. Don't worry I'm at peace with it. Happy Birthday!!!

Jessica said...

Ah. . . Eric Snider. He was the highlight of my Mondays for a very long time! Thanks for the reminder!

Allison said...

Eric Snider does it again. Amazing. I am still laughing. Especially because I was the one (don't hurt me) that read the first Twilight book and thought, "That was all right..." and never picked up another one.

Don't worry, though, I will be a forever reader of your blog. You are SO funny!!!