Rawlins Family

Rawlins Family

Monday, February 09, 2009

Hamlet's not the only one with a question.

Except my question goes a bit like this:

"To buy, or not to buy..."




Cris, Jon, Austin and Ethan said...

TO BUY! I made the choice long ago!

critts said...

I have the same question. No idea what I'm going to do!

Deb said...

No, get it on Netflix ... over and over and over and over if you want.

Jeni said...


are you crazy?

Alyssa said...

Hmmmm...I thought you said you didn't really like it that much??

chase said...

I didn't LOVE it. I loved the Twilight series, though, and this is just so connected to it. Plus, I do love Edward. Who doesn't love Edward?
***this is not Chase

Nicole said...

I haven't bought a movie in years, so unless you lurve it a bazillion, I would just rent it like Deb said.

Sara K. said...

Magic creeps you out, but sparkley vampires make your heart swoon. Hmmm...

Anna@Exasperation said...

That's an affirmative.

Chandy said...

I bet you already have it in your possession! If not, you know you want to...