Rawlins Family

Rawlins Family

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Northern Exposure

You know, I really shouldn't be sitting here at the computer. But geez louise. Do you ever have those days when you just cannot get motivated? Miles has croup and we can't really go anywhere. So instead of staying home and being productive (a.k.a. cleaning MY room which is a mess - the rest of the house is almost impeccable *gasp*), I am sitting here. The kids have been out on the deck for a good chunk of the day so they're not even requiring much of me. I need to just GET UP already. But just when I thought I would I realized I hadn't blogged the recent Iowa Kilgore Invasion yet! So here I sit some more.:)

*Warning...there is not a single picture of my brother Jerry, or my SIL, Sara. Apparently I really, really, really love my nieces and nephew a lot more. Though, due to this tunnel vision I am sad to say there are NO PICTURES of "Side Pony Night" which occurred last Friday and consisted of Sara sporting a side-pony that was then duplicated by all the other girls (with hair) in the house. My apologies. I was laughing too hard to think about my camera.

P1030376 Apparently this is how Owen sleeps every night. He's the perfect Kilgore/Blanchard mix.

P1030372 This is what Taylor and Lydia did whenever they had a free moment.

P1030377 Lydia on the parkP1030378 Gaby on the parkP1030383 Miles and Owen LOVED each other. Owen and Sophia? Not so much. Owen referred to Sophie exclusively as, "The Baby." Usually said with a pretty fierce scowl - which was usually a reflection of the scowl Sophie was giving him.

P1030391 P1030393 You can take the teenager out of the kid but you can't take the kid out of the teenager.P1030398  Lydia found Chase's Russian chess board. And proceeded to skewl Taylor every chance she got.P1030400 Twilight came out on DVD right before the crew got here. So of course we had to watch it! Jerry joined us (HAH!) and we all had fun cracking jokes at the silly one-liners. As a result we made Twilight-themed cups (everyone knows that when you have Kilgores visiting you have to buy plastic cups and label them, right?). Sara and Jerry got "Stupid Lamb," and "Sick, Masochistic Lion."

P1030401 After repeatedly referring to Rob Pattinson as "Edward smacked-in-the-face-with-a-frying-pan Cullen" Sara came up with the more brief, "La Push Face." And thus Taylor's cup was born.

P1030408 Mine: "Chase's Personal Brand of Heroin." As it turns out this turned out to be a PG-13 rated cup. I sat at the dinner table with it and when Lydia asked me to turn it so she could read it I realized that maybe it was more appropriate for an older crowd:)

P1030403Owen a.k.a. sCareBear. Owen accessorized this costume with a couple of swords. Sara wanted to put a big red circle with a slash through it (what the heck is that symbol called, Chrysta - you know, like in Ghostbusters?!) over the rainbow. sCareBear indeed.

 P1030407 This was NOT a costume. This is pure Taylor.

P1030411 Lydia made this super sweet nature doll for me. That girl is awesome.

P1030412 Taylor standing on a rock in the middle of the nature preserve parking lot. I managed to make it look like she climbed Mt. Kilamanjaro (or at least Governor Dick? - and you have to be from Pee-Yay to know what Governor Dick is...)

P1030413 P1030415

Pretty Princesses.


So overall the trip was SO FUN. The weather stank but that just meant that we got to stay home in our pj's. We shopped a little, ate a lot, laughed a ton. I wish we could do this EVERY WEEK...

Have I ever mentioned that I heart my family? I'm a big fan.


Deb said...

I'm a big fan too, and a bit jealous because you're having the fun we were supposed to be having. But it's all about location, location, location, and this is not the location to be right now.

critts said...

Love Chase's cup. Hilarious!

Chrystapooh said...

Remind Sophie that it's okay if Owen doesn't like her much, because Keaton is in LOVE... Remember Christmas, how he followed her around as fast as he could scoot??? And they engaged in mutual kissy-fests???

We can't wait till August, when the fun will be more fairly distributed :) but we're (grudgingly) glad you guys had fun without us.

Jeni said...

ohh fun!! and LOVE the cups. that is totally a miller thing to do too!

TWILIGHT?? yes please

Abby said...

Looks like you had TONS of fun and laughs... what a silly family. haha you have to label your cups with your name-or something that someone will know you by-- twilight terms work i guess. All you Kilgores are obsessed aren't you?!

Christy said...

Next time we'll have to arrange an entire MID WEST reunion together!

Chrystapooh said...

Since I keep coming back to look jealously at the photographic evidence of all the fun you had, can I just say that eye hart that picture of Owen asleep with a book on his face? That right there is a boy after my own heart...

Chandy said...

Family time is always the best!

Sara K. said...

Missing you and LeonaRdo and Bella and scowly Sophia and Cam's eyebrows and "Chex Mix" and all the rest.