Rawlins Family

Rawlins Family

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Because sometimes it totally pays to blogstalk...

Step 1: Go to the bathroom.

Step 2: Watch video.

Step 3: Get off the floor.

Step 4: Send video to everyone you've ever known.


Unknown said...

HOLY FREAKIN COW!!!!! I love that song but I seriously think I love this version better! Who would think to change the lyrics for a running commentary on the ridiculous video?! Absolutely amazing.

Sara K. said...

That was HiLarious fo' sho. Check out the one I posted for ya. I loved that song, such a good one for the dedication hour on Wink 104.

Stephanie said...

I'm crying! That was soo funny.

Deb said...

HAHAHAHAHA... (and so forth and so on)

Chrystapooh said...



Alyssa said...

Can I say that I never saw that video before? In my mind (the 3rd or 4th time I watched it) I kept trying to think of the real words, and figure out how in the heck that video ever matched that song...

Nicole said...

Should have followed step 1...my poor, poor couch.

How on earth did you find that?