Rawlins Family

Rawlins Family

Friday, November 06, 2009

We're camping this weekend...

But all I actually want to do is sit around in a thick cable-knit sweater, sipping herbal tea and listening to this.



Nicole said...

Just downloaded it based solely on your recommendation:)

Anna@Exasperation said...

I hope you love it as much as I do. They're so freakin' good.
Let me know how you like them!

Sara K. said...

Got them on Pandora - oh how I love thee Pandora. I like what I've heard so far. How was camping? Hot? It was in the 70s here this weekend. I raked in shorts. Weird.

Anna@Exasperation said...

Also too a big fan of the Pandorster.
Nicole, I'm still loving them and I've practically had them on repeat. If there was a way to get PR into my VEINS I'd have done it already.
Liking it?

Nicole said...

So don't hate me that I don't know what Pandora is exactly, or maybe at all.

Love what I have listened to so far! I planned to listen tonight at the gym and realized that silly little me didn't actually transfer the album to my iPod like I thought I did.

Will keep you posted...