Rawlins Family

Rawlins Family

Monday, January 25, 2010

Afternoon snack

After school today we decided to make some cookies. Since my stomach is having a mostly "on" day this isn't as dangerous as it would have been two weeks ago. And the kids need to know I'm not allergic to the kitchen or the oven.

Even if I am still allergic to the dishes.

And laundry.

Anyway, we had to use leftover Xmas M&Ms (which wouldn't even still exist if not for my troublesome tummy). The kids originally set out to make various shapes but in the end settled for "one giant cookie."

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Chrystapooh said...

I love that Cam is all official in his apron.

And tell Miles that Keaton is now "webbing" everything he sees. Even the Bishop at church yesterday. Yeeeeeee-haw!

Anna@Exasperation said...

My girlfriend made aprons for all the kids that came to her son's birthday party. Because she's amazing like that. This was his first official cooking experience with it. I think it added a lot. Those cookies tasted better than normal.
Miles will be proud of Keaton. Webbing is a skill every young man needs to master, so The Keatster is clearly a prodigy.

Deb said...


I can hardly get over that.

One giant cookie, mmmmmmm.

Sara K. said...

Miles in a muscle shirt is perfection.

Jared and Paige said...

Congratulations on baby number four being on the way. We are expecting number three in July. I'm with you on being sick. Hopefully we'll both feel much better soon. Best wishes!

Jill and Ryan said...

Wow, I just read that you are prego with baby number four. Awesome, and not so awesome that it is causing so much distress. You are such a trooper though. I do not know how you are doing with your three kiddos. Are any of them in school yet? You are super woman, what can I say.