Rawlins Family

Rawlins Family

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Can we all agree?

For the love of all that is gooey, crunchy and chocolate covered (read: holy), can we all just agree on this one topic?

Pregnancy is TEN MONTHS, people. TEN. Not nine. TEN.

I've been on the earth for approximately 364 months. And not one of them had 35 days in it.

So pregnancy leans much closer to ten months. It just does.

And I'm CONVINCED that the whole 9 month gestation idea came from someone who is uterus-less. How else would he have gotten the Mrs. on the baby train? Not with a double digit pregnancy, that's how.

Men. Whether it's a fart* or a pregnancy. They're always trying to sneak one past us.


* Fart was an illegal word in my house while growing up...I still have a hard time saying it. I usually just don't. It brings back memories of me being hoisted over the sink and soap deposited in my mouth. Shiver.


Deb said...

Sorry, I cannot agree with this entire post. Because: what man tries to SNEAK a fart? Don't they all lean to the side while gripping the table then laugh as they race to get their thumb to their forehead while screaming "YOU ATE IT" at the female, the only one whose thumb is not on their forehead? Don't they all do that? Well, don't they? No? Really?

I will concur that my 460 months have all had 31 or fewer days. They just FEEL like 35 days when you're pregnant. That uterus-less Mister was pretty slick with the math.

Also too, I'm mailing you some Dove. Cooper highly recommends it.

Chrystapooh said...

Also too.


Chrystapooh said...

And. I have you all beat with nearly 470 months.

Sara K. said...

1. Fart is a four letter word here.

b) Dove chocolate or Dove soap?

III Deb I nearly JPMPALB.

D- I'm pretty sure I've never been 9 months pregnant, with or without 35 days a month.

Anna@Exasperation said...

I don't know why I didn't put some sort of restriction on Sara posting for this one.

And Deb, I can't say I've ever had that experience. The nighttime farting is what gets to me. FLUFF IT OUT FOR HEAVENS SAKE! FLUFF!

And someone PLEASE send me some Dove chocolate.

Actually, don't. It will arrive in a melty mess:( I'll have to go buy it my huge self.

Boone said...

Listen man haters, how can you count the first two weeks that you are not actually pregnant (no sperm and egg togetherness) as being pregnant to arrive at your magical ten month pregnancy? If you are going to count the time you aren't pregnant as part of your pregnancy, why only add two weeks? Why not add all the months that you thought about getting pregnant, or tried to get pregnant, or "had a headache" as pregnancy time? "Oh my gosh, I have been pregnant for 14 months...men suck!"

Peace out. Back to my man cave.

Boone said...

P.S. PFFFTTT! (Holding on to my seat for that one!)

Anna@Exasperation said...

Written by a true uterus-less person.

Once you have a person physically beating you from the inside out, you get to do math however want.

You want to take this outside? I will meet you by the monkey bars after school, dude. You're going down.

Anna@Exasperation said...

NOR should we forget all of those women (to whom monuments should be dedicated) who ARE ACTUALLY PREGNANT FOR LIKE 42 AND 43 WEEKS.

Like Chrysta. Bless her poor, poor uterus.

Chrystapooh said...

My uterus thanks you for the shout-out. Yo.

Deb said...

Notice Boone did not dispute the whole four-letter part.

Nicole said...

Aren't you all so glad my husband is on terminal leave? And aren't you also too glad that he added his P.S.? I'm SUPER proud of that part:)

Sigh. Also also too, he and I have had this argument approximately a zilliondy times. It makes me rage when I am with child. Which is not now. And not ever again.

Did someone say Dove chocolate though?

Ben & Diane said...

By your logic Anna, wouldn't a year only be 48 weeks and not 52? 12x4=48....I'm just sayin'....also too(am I allowed to use this phrase?) I agree that you make a good point. Any way you look at it pregnancy is too long.

Anna@Exasperation said...

I knew I'd get slaughtered by logic. Mostly I wanted to whine covertly:)

Kelly said...

Thank you! I remember wondering where the baby was after 9 months pregnanacy. Someone really needs to clear the air and the confusion. This post is one small step in that direction!

JoDell said...

I'm with you on this one!

Jess said...

Amen Anna!

Amandeep Singh said...

i am not agree with all this.

Chandler Family said...

No more talk of how long pregnancy is or isn't because I think I'm swaying toward never doing it again. Matt is going to be upset that he doesn't get his basketball team.
BTW we are coming up for Memorial Day weekend, will you be around?

Cris, Jon, Austin and Ethan said...

just wondering if you read chinese, Anna. I mean, it sure wouldn't surprise me but why the crap is someone leaving you a message in chinese?