Rawlins Family

Rawlins Family

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

So I feel like I've been without a camera for so long that I have no choice but to take pictures obsessively. And Chase is working late (bring on the busy season!) so I'm bored. So here are a few pics from the past couple of days. We're all sick so never mind the red noses. I threw in a shot of Cameron while he's got the nebulizer going just to show you how pathetic the poor kid is. He's got "reactive airway disease" which is basically what they call asthma for kids. Anyway, when he gets sick he starts wheezing and coughing constantly and it's rather sad. He's such a trouper, though. I think it might actually be harder on us as parents than it really is on him. As soon as he gets done with a treatment he's up and running and making messes and picking on Miles. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy the pictures!


Anonymous said...

I'm lovin' all the creative slide shows. Good work! Congrats on the house. The boys are adoreable. ~CA Kilgores

Anonymous said...

friggen cute:)

Anonymous said...

ahhh! it's so great to see pics of you guys!

*by way of soaps...I'm also doing gift baskets now...they're pretty trendy and hip...or you can request/design you own. my sis is ginving them to her visiting teachers, etc. so they're great. I'll have pics soon so you can see :)