Okay, fine. Here's the explanation.
It occurred to me one day as I was insta-chatting with someone that I was using an obscene amount of computerese. I must have typed "LOL" after every third sentence IN ADDITION to using it as a response to the other chatters chatter. Later in the day I was thinking about the comp-versation (computer conversation - that's totally a word. Well, it is now, anyway.) and had a flashback that I can only attribute to something like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - I was that disturbed. Does everyone remember when email, instant messaging, and later texting, first came about? You all used capital letters at the beginning of sentences, right? Complete sentence structure, perhaps? Actual words, maybe? Well, I did. I swore up and down I was only going to use real, Merriam-Webster approved words in my e-communications with people. As a student of communications, I reasoned, I should never, ever allow myself to degrade the already-messy English language.
But I did. Just like sin, it creeps in here a little and there a little. And it all started with the ever popular, "LOL." Laugh. Out. Loud. But am I actually laughing out loud? Really? Have I EVER laughed out loud? You know, I probably have. And in those instances I probably had the wherewithal to type out a nicely-worded sentence about the chatters' witty witticism. KWIM?
So, that's all. In the effort to promulgate truth and honesty the world over, I've decided to use the phrase "LOL" just a tad more judiciously.
In addition, I am removing the following phrases from my e-vernacular entirely.
LMBO - Laughing my butt off. At no time has my bottom come unglued from the rest of my body during a compversation. If it had I promise you that compversation would never have ended because my personal efforts to remove said bottom have been, well, fruitless.
ROFL - Rolling on the floor laughing. How on earth could I be typing AND rolling on the floor laughing? It seems senseless to begin with.
So there you have it. One more glimpse inside the neurotic mind of Anna.
p.s. If you've ever been the recipient of one of my ill-advised "LOLs" don't be offended. While I probably wasn't Laughing Out Loud I was more than likely Giggling Inward. So maybe I'll just use "GI" from now on in place of "LOL". What's the likelihood that will catch on?
Shew, is that all? I'm not concerned. I've re-read all "LOL"s you've bestowed upon me and I've come to the conclusion that a) I deserved them all, and 2) you were, indeed, likely to be laughing out loud.
Too bad for everyone else, though.
Deb, you are most likely correct in that assumption!
I think "LOL" is used WAY TOO MUCH. It bugs me.I rarely, if ever use it. So, I like the "GI" thing. Just don't use it with anyone in the medical profession. They may wonder why you keep talking about the GastroIntestinal system so much. (0:
I'm on board with "GI"! I am proud to say that I can count on one hand the number of times I have typed "LOL", for precisely the reasons you stated.
My other suggestion for a more realistic response to funny e-communications would be "JPMPAL"...although in my case I would have to type that as frequently as I use ellipses...
(Who knows it? Who knows it?)
Just peed my pants a little...
Oh, Nicole. Though a great distance separates us it's obvious you have become a true Kilgorian.
(Oh my, I can't believe you dedicated a whole blog topic to this, but if anyone would it would be you)
(Also, are you really bothered by people who use those acronyms? If so, I need to watch myself)
You can use those new acronyms I made up, if you want to.
Ahh Anna, I do believe we share a brain:)
And Lyss, I am memorizing your acronyms RIGHT NOW. So many possibilities for those!
LOL, Lylla!
No, I don't care if other people use it. I get annoyed when I do it, though. I like to use my vocabulary...
Hence your utterly correct usage of the words obscene, attribute, degrade, wherewithal, witticism, promulgate (my personal fave), judiciously, (e-)vernacular, fruitless and neurotic. Excellent words, every one.
I *hart* your vocabulary... GI!
(P.S. I'm still trying to figure out how to get Colie to the reunion, since she's really a McQuain/Terry in name only these days. She's definitely a Kilgorian! But then if Colie comes, we have to figure out how to get Deb there also too, because how could she not?!?!? Help me work on this, people!!! There must needs be a meeting of the UMC in August!)
It's a good think you aren't affiliated with the military in any way!
You do learn to cope and you do end up playing along
I only use LOL, if I do LOL. If I write lol, it's because it was only partially funny and I chuckled....but a LOL meant I blurted out a LAUGH OUT LOUD!
If Deb and Nicole join us in August, INTWM because there will be much JPMPAL.
Sara, that. was. awesome. Great usage of those newly-minted acronyms.
Chrysta, thanks for forgiving my poorly placed commas and apostrophe and instead focusing on my extensive vocab:)
All in favor of Nicole and Deb attending the Kilgore Reunion of 2009 say "aye!"
A vote in the affirmative amongst UMC members has got to be "Also too!"
You truly make me laugh. What's more is that you have the vocabulary and thought process to put it into words so beautifully that the hilarity heightens for me. Thanks for being a wit and one with the gift of writing.
Sara, it should be
"Also, Too. Amen"
Also, Too. Amen.
Oh, ladies. You positively slay me.
Whoa! I spent the day away from my computer (it's okay, I am recovering) and look what blew up!
I don't even know when the reunion is, but I really would love to come meet all of you in person.
Someone share the deets?
NIcole, it's that giant lodge I sent you a link to way last year. The one in the Smokies only 5 hours from here. It's the first week in August.
And if we're really going to get into the acronymal spirit of things, a UMC affirmative should thus be:
A,t.A. ...GI!
(The punctuation is important, people! And the ellipses were for Colie... :P )
There's a Kilgore Family Reunion Blog - from here on out to be known as the KFRB. I don't think I have even told anyone about it because I had intentions to bedazzle it. Alas, it never really made it past the 'registered' stage. Maybe I'll get to that later this week...
August 1 - 8 in the Smokey Mountains somewheres outside Gatlinburg.
Seriously though, my fear is that you and Bed would meet up at the Holiday Inn and realize there's no need for the rest of us and off you'd go to Dollywood.
I don't understand where this "Nicole and Bed are going to run off together/throw people under buses" nonsense got started. Like the rest of you aren't so hi-freakin-larious that IPMPAL when y'all post? 'Cause...I do. Ask my couch.
Between that and Keaton using it as his permanent tissue there's so much DNA on that thing that it probably has rights by now.
Also too (just thought I'd be classy and type it all out tonight) I am not ruling out a trip up there. We have been trying to plan a trip to GSM anyway, and this might be a good excuse to go.
Even if I just manage to sneak away for a day or so to rock a side pony and go somewhere bra-less, it would be sa-weet!
Possibly, but if Anna and Nicole are really sharing a brain, then Anna would end up at the Holiday Inn also too. And then there would just be too many of them missing and we'd know where they went and we'd all come back from Dollywood needing brand new pants from all the JPMPALing...
Well Chrysta, you and I just posted at the exact same minute, so I don't think Bed, Anna, and I would get too far. Clearly you and Anna are linked, and you and I have some sick e-connection after 11:00 pm, and once Deb and I accidentally IM'd for over 3 hours on Facebook. Which has nothing to do with anything, except it's pretty freaking rad when you can chat with someone you've never met in real life for that long and not be bored.
At least I thought it was fun, but now maybe Deb thinks I am a psycho for not letting her go when she thought she was typing something to Sara...(backing away slowly...not a stalker...still love ellipses...even though it's a totally lazy way to punctuate...got it from my dad...genetically predisposed to excessive use of ellipses...)
Nicole, I very much enjoyed our 3-hour IM session, even if you weren't Sara. And just so you know, I figured that out pretty darn quick, so I knew I was talking to you for like ... 2 hours, 59 minutes and 55 seconds...
Regretfully, I must report that I will be camping in Ocean City, Maryland during Kilgorepalooza. So I humbly request that you cancel your Smokey Mountain plans and join us on the filthy Maryland beaches. I believe you will find a nice Holiday Inn to your liking.
Bummer, Bed. OC is fun, but Kilgorepalooza will be funner. Are you SURE you have to go camping just then? Colie, you still have to come. I'm not asking anymore. I'm demanding!!! (How's that from your bossy way-too-much-older bestie? Or maybe that should read beastie? GI... ;P)
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