Rawlins Family

Rawlins Family

Saturday, July 19, 2008

For those considering pre-ordering Breaking Dawn I would highly suggest doing so on walmart.com I just got mine and it was under $11 and free shipping! It doesn't guarantee that it will be at your door on August 2, but does say that it will be there on the day or "shortly after." I can handle that to save from paying full price at B&N on August 2 (not to mention having to go to the store and stand in line...).
Can't wait to get my Breaking Dawn on.


Jeni said...


Ben & Diane said...

thanks for sharing......I'm so ordering mine right now. Are you guys coming anywhere near Atlanta anytime soon??

Chrystapooh said...

Hey yeah - are you coming anywhere near Atlanta any time soon? Because, you know, Augusta is somewhere near Atlanta and there's a certain little niece of mine I haven't met...

critts said...

excellent recommendation! Thanks Anna!