Rawlins Family

Rawlins Family

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I can see Alaska from my house...

In case you haven't seen it.

Click here to see the SNL opening skit. Seriously. Click here. Now.

Nicole, you may want to wear earplugs.


Christy said...

This is on my facebook! hilarious

Nicole said...

I have watched it about 3 times already. Hi-freakin'-larious!

I love love love how Tina Fey pronounces it 'Laska. Dead on. And the lower lip/chin shrug thing that Palin does.

I can handle all of it when I know it's a joke -- my problems come when I am supposed to take her seriously!

Thank goodness for SNL.


Anna@Exasperation said...

The title was supposed to read:
I can see RUSSIA from my house

Sara K. said...

I listened to a soundbite of her from a speech in Colorado where she addressed the crowd as guys and gals. Classy. Maybe Tina Fey and Amy Poelher would like to join our Blondes-for-Obama club of fishy-she-pigs.

Lisa said...

Love it, love it, love it!!

Chrystapooh said...

I think your post title is funnier as it is rather than how you intended it to be.

And yes, even I think this is ridiculously hilarious. Colie's right about the chin shrug, but I thought the funniest was when "Hillary" mocked "Palin" for her "Tina Fey glasses." I had been thinking that Palin looked familiar, and now I know why...