Rawlins Family

Rawlins Family

Sunday, July 26, 2009


6 days until the reunion.



Chrystapooh said...

And I'm your hollabackgurrrl...

Nicole said...

Waaaahhhhhhh!!! I want to come SO badly. Sniff.

Sara K. said...

Ooooooooooooooh ya!!!!!!!!!

Christy said...

W00T W00T!!!!

Alyssa said...

Anna, did you borrow my dictionary???


Anna@Exasperation said...

Yes. And I plan to use it to play you in Scrabble.

Anna@Exasperation said...

Chrysta. I LOVE the hollaback. Amazing.

Chrystapooh said...

Sigh. I know it's amazing when I manage to know anything even remotely current re: the hipster scene. Although. That song is at least, what? Two years old now? Or more? So I'm really not so amazing after all.

I love Gwennie tho. She's got some rockin' strollers. :D

Mandi said...

You realize that by going to this reunion, you will be missing the TwiCon 2009 Convention, right? I wouldn't have imagined a true fan such as yourself would miss such an event to be with, of all people, their family!

Anna@Exasperation said...

Even a hard and fast Twilight fan such as myself is somewhat disgusted by the level of TwiMadness to which some people rise:)
(p.s. thanks for the info. totally wish I could be there. *wink!*)