Rawlins Family

Rawlins Family

Monday, August 10, 2009

Don't worry, I'll post about the reunion soon...

because it was AWE.SOME.

But today I'm in serious need of some laughter and light-heartedness. And these little youtube videos fit the bill nicely, thank you.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I'm DYING to see/hear about Kilgore Fest 2009! I'll be refreshing my page until you post because I have nothing better to do in my crippled state. In fact, despite the hundred million things you probably need to be doing, if I don't see something soon from one of you, I'll know you hate disabled people. Do you hate disabled people Anna?


P.S. Stayed up until 5:00 am last Thursday reading Hunger Games -- never put it down once I opened it. Pre-ordered Book 2 this morning:) Thanks for that!