Rawlins Family

Rawlins Family

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

No more excuses

Okee-dokee people. You're all going to need to check out this handy little chart. Memorize it.

Note: It's rated PG-16, Tay. Sorry. Better luck next year.


Jeni said...

their was alot of information they're.

Sara said...

I definately don't want a kick in the hemmies. That would hurt alot and its wierd.

(Wow, it was painful to type that)

Nicole said...

I'm in love with that chart. Alot.

Anna@Exasperation said...

Eye new ewe guys woodn't let me down. Its so up lifting two no that Im making a diffrance.

Deb said...

I notice Chrysta hasn't commented -- I'm worried her head exploded, alot. Perhaps Nicole needs to check on her.

Wiseguys said...

Thanks for that! Seriously.

critts said...

On our long drive home from AZ we passed a truck that said "You're trucking solution" on the back. Awesome. I would definitely hire them.

Cris, Jon, Austin and Ethan said...

i love it Anna..