Rawlins Family

Rawlins Family

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Don't you just love the people?

P1040465 Miles wearing Cam's costume from the holiday play at school (which was fabulous and featured a song called "Turkey Tango." Classic.).

P1040468 I just like Sophie's hair in this shot.

P1040470 Cameron cut out these individual triangles of paper, taped them to his knuckles, and called himself Wolverine. His imagination blows my mind on a daily basis.

P1040488 This is the kids and Cousin Brandon on the tramp at Grape Grandma's house. They were abusing Brandon, per the usual. I'm only putting this up because Brandon likes to be "talked about on the internet." B - you are awesome. Danielle was busy helping with Thanksgiving dinner or something...

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This little girl just turned two. And she's REEEEEEALLY good at being 2.

(Don't you love the boots with this outfit? We love hand-me-downs from our fashionable friends!)

P1040515 Chase and a few guys from Elder's Quorum (or their wives, I should say) made these Christmas goodie plates for some people at church. After he was done he said, "You know what's funny, though? When people see these they're going to say, 'Boy, Anna worked hard!'" And he was right. When I dropped these off someone did say that! I corrected her, though! Anyone who KNOWS me knows the crafty/cutesy genes went straight to Lylla and Chrysta. I got nothin'.

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OK, clearly Sophie is over-represented here, but how could I resist? This picture shows all of her sides perfectly. High heels, cellie, baby and Superman Hat. Nevermind that she's missing clothes. I had just dumped her in the sink after spilling milkshake everywhere. This is how I found her after I finished cleaning up the kitchen. I guess she thought, "Hey. I should get dressed. This should do it."

Bonus points to those who recognize the title of this blog!


Deb said...

Soph looks ready for Walmart. Oh, how I'm going to miss her starting in 4 days. (And those that accompany her, also too.)

Deb said...

I mean, of course, I miss all of you every single second of every single day, but I'll super duper miss everyone when ChristmasInPeeYayFest starts in 4 days.

Anna@Exasperation said...

Bed, my heart hurts:(
But seriously, I'm glad that IA kilgores are making it this year. It was sad that they weren't able to do it last year (stupid tranny).

Anna@Exasperation said...

Oh, I'm not calling you a stupid tranny, Deb. I'm referring the stupid TRANSMISSION that kept the IA Kilgores IA Bound last year.

Sara K. said...

Madagascar, of course. And I do love your people. Last year, that stupid tranny did just about ruin Christmas.

Cris, Jon, Austin and Ethan said...

very cute supergirl, btw Anna, Are one of yor boys missing a hoodie from the camping trip?? please advise :) miss you.

oh, and DONT lie, you're very creative.

JanaLee said...

Love your last post too. Cam and Bridger are so much alike it is scary. I missed all you girls at church today.