Rawlins Family

Rawlins Family

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Things that would have been good to know yesterday...

It would have been good to know that Sophia planned to wear a winter coat to her first day of preschool on a day that happened to be 106 degrees outside. I would have hidden the coats.

P1060418 (Heat Stroke enter stage left...)

It would have been good to know that Haley was going to get the worst diaper rash she's ever had. I would have bought more Desitin during one of my fifty trips to the store this morning/yesterday.

P1060348 (Love the face)

It would have been good to know that my kids were going to spill chocolate milk, caramel dipping sauce and ranch dressing on my bedroom carpet tonight. I wouldn't have brought our McDonalds dinner home.

image (I didn't do this at all. Except for the part where I totally did. There's a chance I even stomped my feet like a three year-old. But it's mostly because I had just come home and seen my living room.)

It would have been good to know that the plumbers planned on doing THIS to my living room. I'm not sure what I would have done, but it would have just been nice to know.


Sara K. said...

Hmmm, hope tomorrow has less of all that. Sophie hair is l-o-n-g! She's beautiful. Acting like a three year old is totally appropriate. I hope you lock yourself in your bedroom with a gallon of ice cream and have a Twilight marathon or something.

Sara said...

WHAT?!? I mean, WHAT?!? I don't even know what to say except - WHAT?!? My brain is having trouble comprehending that there is an actual hole in the ground in the middle of your living room. I won't complain about my "bad day" anymore...unfortunately, you win.

Jeni said...

Holy what the what? That is nuts. Maybe it is nice so the boys can play on their own dirt pile in the house. Sweet! Just trying to be optimistic. Anna seriously, come over whenever you guys want. That sucks.

Alyssa said...

What exactly are your plumbers doing????

Hohmann Family said...

That is NUTS! Do they know you have kids under the age of ..... whatever? I don't think it would matter what age they were - you shouldn't have a hole and THAT in the middle of your living room. Here's hoping that the next few days are better. 'Cause you are seriously due.

Tboss said...


Are you sure that was the plumbers and not Miles? Oh wait. It was the plumbers. Miles would not have put up yellow caution tape. :)

critts said...

Holy cow. Seriously. And I love that your house is perfectly immaculate all around the mess they left. I am so, so sorry. And totally serious--come just move in. That would have me going bonkers.

Diane Stringam Tolley said...

Wow! and I used to get after the kids when they tracked dirt in on the carpet! You're absolutely right. There are lots of things we should have known yesterday. Our lives would be infinitely more organized and peaceful! Why does the phrase 'opposition in all things' keep going through my mind? :)