Rawlins Family

Rawlins Family

Saturday, August 13, 2011

American Idol Mom

If you've ever watched the audition phase of American Idol, you might know what I'm talking about. You get these completely deluded kids who have HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE, NO GOOD voices standing there embarrassing themselves in front of millions of viewers. And back in the Days of Cowell, they were also subjecting themselves to some serious raking-over-the-coals...because Cowell isn't known for niceness.

As the audition progressed, it would inevitably cut to the corridor where mom was waiting with baited breath, telling Seacrest all about her amazing child: She was just sure s/he was a shoe-in for the show.

Meanwhile, inside the audition room some kid is trying to explain to a slightly incoherent Abdul that s/he KNOWS s/he has talent...because mom said so.

So here's my question: Is it okay to completely delude your kids?

Because this morning Miles asked me to take a picture of his "big muscles."

And I did.

And it was awesome.

P1060271 P1060272

Now that I think about it, I know just where those moms are coming from.


Sara K. said...

Watch out kindergarten, Miles is packin', and it ain't lunch.

Lara Neves said...

Totally okay. Besides, those are the hugest Kindergarten muscles I've ever seen!

Mary said...

Ok Anna - Consider yourself stalked.

I saw that your baby girl is not feeling well- hope things turn around soon.