Thursday was better. Not perfect, but better. I could see the ways that I needed to lighten up. No teacher is able to stick perfectly to their lesson plan every day, and you have to be able to roll with the punches. So I tried to dial down the crazy and I felt much better at the end of the day. And wouldn't you know it? With me being less of a stress case my kids were less of a stress case! And I started to see how maybe this is all going to work out.
So here we are, five days in and I'm feeling like this is all going to be okay. Here are a few pictures from our first days!
Cam is working in a really great watercolor book.
Geography puzzle
We spend a lot of time reading. Sometimes in weird places.
Miles coloring a picture of a prehistoric farmer using a shaduf.
Haley building a dinosaur at the museum.
Cameron being forced to read classical literature in addition to his favorite stuff.
Not quite as happy about it.
You will find your rhythm. everyone has to find their new normal. I know you well enough, you have no quit and you know how to be flexible when you need to be. that is what it is all about. homeschooling is sometimes driven by their wants and needs that day, so don't stress. there will be days you go off course....and that is OK. you've got this. Proud of you.
To put it bluntly, girl, you've got balls. Big, Texas-sized ones. I'd never have the confidence or the willpower to do what you're doing. I think you're amazing, little sister.
You're my hero! Seriously. I think I'd make it a week and put the kids back in public school. Not enough patience in my body for that!
You are a radically awesome mom. Wanna homeschool my kids?.! Haha
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