Not much of an update. I've been in a very non-interwebby mood (WHY, OH WHY are people calling it the "interweb" lately? Am I the only one seeing this? I just don't get why the switch. Someone please enlighten me...) as of late. Which is good. I need to spend less time online. And yet I need to keep my parents happy. So here is a picture-rich, word-poor post.
Arboretum with Jen, Michelle and kiddos.
Is it just me or does she remind you of Drew Barrymore in "Firestarter"? Easy there, Soph.
Attempting some pretty Easter pics with the flowers. Yeah. Right.
Decorating cookies and hunting for eggs at the Primary quarterly activity. Now, start watching for Miles and the color may notice a pattern.
Cam couldn't bring himself to actually EAT the cookie. Too much texture is disturbing for the young lad.
Are you seeing what I'm seeing?
Just a few pics to showcase Sophie's less-than-girly side. Though, I want to point out the spark-a-ly red purse she's sporting while watching "Diggers and Dozers."
Time for church! Who's got the keys to the jeep (or, uh, Odyssey)? Vroom, VROOOOOOOOOOOM!
Owen would also accessorize his Diggers and Dozers viewing with a red sparkly purse. No, make that pink.
Love those kids!
Keaton giggled and giggled and grinned every time I clicked on a Sophie picture to enlarge it. He still *harts* Sopie and can't wait till we get to see her again in August. And we'll be super happy to see the rest of you, also too! Fun pics!
Cute. But my monitor just burst into flames.
1. I love that you call me jen. not many people do it and it is my name of choice just FYI.
2. Sophias piggies are SOOO cute. She takes the cutest piggy award from nat, way to go soph.
3. and the water fountain pic?? BAHAHAHAAH!!
Jen, my personal fave is the pic of Natalie in the covered wagon. That's a super arm pump.
Deb. Thank you for getting it. (adding one more point to the "reasons we love Deb" column...right under "Pat Benatar Enthusiast")
Sara, we both know Owen wouldn't want anything to do with a sparkly purse if THAT BABY was holding one first.
Chrysta and Keaton. Dude. We're excited to see you too! August can't get here fast enough!!
How fun! I think Sophie is going to be a heartbreaker.
Oh my your kids are ridiculously cute. Right up there (but just below, *wink*) with Emma! August seems soooooo far away!!!
Sophie totally looks like Cindy Lou Who with those little pig tails! I miss you...
OMG, I automatically thought of firestarter when I saw that picture! WEIRD!!!!! Or, maybe its just because I watched it recently... don't ask why.
Love your kids!!!!
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