Rawlins Family

Rawlins Family

Monday, October 24, 2011

Botox for Trenchy

Apparently, Trenchy's new young wife - whose holes are all filled in and firm, thankyouverymuch - is messing with his mind. Because he's started to pay attention to all of his deep lines and wrinkles, crevices and chasms. Today Trenchy is taking the long-anticipated plunge and getting trench botox. Also known as FILL DIRT AND CONCRETE!
Good riddance, Trenchy.

p.s. While I'm really, really excited to be in the final stages of Project Plumbing/Foundation, I also have been taking a good look around my house, and I'm feeling a little bummed out about having to spend the next six months staring at the cracks and sagging ceiling that will be left behind. Why is that? What is wrong with me? I just spent two months living in near-third-world living conditions and I'm going to complain about some cracks? Sigh. I just really want to fast forward to my new floors, my new ceiling, my new drywall, etc. And of course we still have a master bath remodel coming, and we've been talking about doing a kitchen reno, too. New countertops, new cabinet doors, new sink. And while I'm excited I just want it done yesterday.
Bah. Way to suck the excitement out of the day, Anna. (But I still blame you, Trenchy.)


Kelly said...

it's so nice to want...sooo hard to live through!

Deb said...

It's a strange phenomenon, but very real. I think it has something to do with the fact that you put so much effort/thought/aggrivation etc into something and you want to see the completion that your mind's eye has been imagining all along. But I've discovered it's rather elusive because the mind's eye wears rose colored glasses and your real ones wear Walmart readers.