Rawlins Family

Rawlins Family

Thursday, May 22, 2008

So, to explain the previous post...
On Sunday we were all sitting around and Cam decided he wanted a banana. I'm cool with that, give the kid a banana and he starts eating it. Suddenly, he decides he doesn't want the banana. In fact, he HATES the banana. What?! So I was confused but told him to just put it down and not throw it away. At which point he starts screaming. Again, I'm confused. But now I'm also a little frustrated and I tell him to calm down, which of course he can't/won't. So I tell him he needs to head to his room for a little alone time until he can act nicely. That's when he errupts and loses it completely. Screaming his head off, hitting the walls. And that's fine because he was doing it on his way to time out. Until he spit the banana on the floor. NOT COOL. I tell Chase, in so many words, that the kid needs some serious punishment and Chase volunteered to take care of it (I was feeling a little too irrational to deal with him - not really a Love and Logic moment for me, Michelle). So Chase goes in and I start to clean up the spitty banana mess. As I approach Cam's doorway I expect to hear Chase laying down the law in a nice, stern manner. Instead, I hear Chase ask, in a loving tone, "Cameron, do you know what insubordination is?" After which Cameron received a lovely lecture on what insubordination is. Looks like Chase has officially become MY father!

p.s. Pictures and updates later today.


Hohmann Family said...

Sometimes the husbands handle crisis in ways that make the wives cringe or laugh - not sure which to do at times. :)

Ben & Diane said...

Too funny.....I laughed the whole time. Not at you, but because I have the same problem here. Only, it's usually with Dallin. I'm fine with an apple slice on the floor but, when I have to pick up banana off the floor....I lose it. Oh how I wish Cameron and Mia could meet each other.

Cris, Jon, Austin and Ethan said...

I can't see your little angel throwing a fit...i really can't. I can, However, see Chase asking him that..totally.

The Fowers said...

I'm OK with the whole vocabulary-building punishment session. If you can't get them to behave, at least get them to learn something new! I'll get my word list ready for our next tantrun. I really like "skullduggery".

Abby said...

haha that is sweet!