Rawlins Family

Rawlins Family

Monday, April 28, 2008

As long as I'm posting movie clips, I should probably post this one for TWILIGHT. I'm so ready to vampire it up on December 12!!!!!!!!! Save the date!


Sara K. said...

I am so totally a fan of the books. I'm not crazy about the casting. Still Taylor and I will be lining up to see this flick. If you haven't read them people, get with the program.

Alyse said...

I love the books, too. I had no idea there was a MOVIE coming out! Thanks Anna!

Stephanie said...

Awesome!!Can't wait!

Jeni said...

Love this. Cant wait, really I dream about it.

critts said...

I am very excited to see this movie. I actually didn't love the first book but I was hooked for sure by book #3!

Anna@Exasperation said...

Me too, Steph! I hated the romance in that first book. Bella was always swooning. So obnoxious. But Kathleen and Eric totally peer-pressured me into reading the second one and I got hooked.