After all the blog back-and-forth it is time for an update I'm skipping subheads and outlines and this blog will appear as one continuous sentence No grammar This should drive my sister Chrysta insane And frankly it's going to drive me insane as well I'm already getting a bit edgy So Cameron had his 5th birthday on the 12th as you all know because that day is highlighted brightly with giant arrows pointing to it in all of your Franklin Covey planners right yeah I'm not even using a question mark I'm dying here people ACK there should be an exclamation mark breathe Anna Okay so anyway instead of just having a single day to celebrate Cameron had several days First he had his actual birth DAY He got a happy meal with chocolate milk and I made him some cupcakes He was in Heaven Two days later on Sunday he got a family party that we shared with Aunt Jeni and Uncle Gare Bear I made him a couple ice cream cakes They were divine And it was potluck dinner Yum Yum Wednesday we shared cupcakes with our playgroup at the park Last year we had cupcakes AND Lemonade which I equate to giving kids crack This year being the smart and ugly mommy that I am I brought water for everyone Cameron was disappointed by the lack of lemonade Apparently I never give him anything ever But it was a wise choice The final birthday hurrah came on Thursday when we brought treats to Cameron's preschool class I think he's going to be a pretty popular kid from now on You're welcome Cam The day after Cameron's birthday we ran as a family in the American Heart Association Heart Start 5K
Hurricane Ike was busy wreaking havoc in the southern part of the state and we were lucky to only get a little bit of rain We came prepared with our raincovers for both strollers and only needed to use one on Sophie The boys being the wild and crazy guys that they are opted out of their raincover I will say that we were quite a sight I'm pretty sure we were the only ones there with two jogging strollers and three kids
We got a lot of stares And Sophie was a charmer in her I heart Hearts tshirt When we put the raincover on her people kept walking up to her and tickling her feet which were propped up on the inside of the plastic
Speaking of the raincover at one point during the run it started to rain and the wind really picked up I was headed up a hill and looked down at Sophie who was asleep at this point She seriously looked like she was shrink wrapped It was hifreakinlarious Of course I pulled the plastic away to make sure she had lots of fresh air but it was a funny little moment The other thing that I would like to mention about the 5K is about the breakfast Beforehand I told you about the usual pre race breakfast that is served at the corporate tent Well imagine our collective surprise when we showed up to find that they didn't do Corner Bakery this year
Actually they didn't do ANYTHING I seriously need exclamation marks for this one because you need to understand that we showed up with two very hungry boys and two very hungry parents We dragged our butts out of bed at 6 AM and all we got were these lousy purple shirts Okay the shirts are actually pretty decent But where was the food I'm assuming that someone in the events planning department of the firm got a good talking to come Monday morning After the race we headed home to work on our kitchen That's right folks our kitchen is still under construction After we painted we realized it would take some time for the paint to cure enough to not stick Well it's taking longer than we thought plus we had to strip the hinges and repaint them So the cabinet doors plus hardware should be on this coming Saturday Anyway after the
race we never actually worked on the kitchen because our friends The Beans came over to help us install our new ceiling fan I love the Beans And not just because of the ceiling fan but mostly because I just love them We spend oodles of time with them and consider them family So it was nice to have them help us Thanks again Matt and Stephanie So this past week we've been up to the usual We decided that it was time for us to join a gym so that we can stop getting fat I mean really when it starts to look like there is another person growing out of your bottom I think that means it's time to take drastic measures And for us paying to workout is a pretty drastic measure So last Saturday we went out gym shopping I had called around the day before and decided that 24 Hour Fitness was going to be a good fit for us because they were going to give us a good deal plus childcare is free So we made an appointment for Saturday morning to check the place out On the way we were giving the kids lots of warning and encouragement about them staying in the Kids Club area As I was going on and on about how fun it would be and how they'd be just fine Cameron interrupted me by saying in a rather petulant tone Mom I'm five I can handle anything Which brings me to my last topic Cameron is five Yes Cameron is five and he will tell you thirty or forty time a day that he is five It is usually used as an explanation for his behavior At quiet time when he's picking out a movie he'll point to Spiderman and I'll say Cameron that's PG 13 and you're not old enough And he'll say But mom I'm five At dinner when I want him to finish his food he'll look at me totally exasperated that I'm just not getting it and say but Mom I'm five So far I find it pretty amusing I just don't know if it would work for me But Officer I'm 28.
****Chrysta, are you still there? Has your head exploded? Or perhaps you've punched through your screen...
Anna whatever you have growing out of your bottom, can you tell him to set up shop in my chest? I could really use the help!
By the way, you look fantabulous! I don't know what you're talking about with this "growth" you're talking about
Also, congrats on completing a 5K with 3 kids. Super troopers. Hands down.
Ok- so i didn't read ALL of it because it's too dang long with tiny writing... but I can guess what you've written with your pictures :) haha. I did read the end where Cam uses the excuse that HE IS FIVE to get anything he wants. hahaha- he would do that.
And thats exciting you got a gym membership! You'll love it- so fun. But you look good anyway, so i dont know what you're talking about...
oh im here you didnt leave out grammar you left out punctuation your grammar was fine im upping the ante by leaving out capitals i think grammar would have killed me but punctuation and capitals arent so bad im a fan of eecummings
and i need the same chest help as christy does while needing the same bottom help as you do sigh im starting to look very pearish
hudson is fond of telling us all how old he will be in relation to someone else as in when rylan is 8 i will be 6 or when i am 7 cannon will be 5 hes into math lately
oh and throw in some serious help around my middle please
Well I read every flipping word and I loved it All of it And ive got enough of whats growing out of annas bottom (not) for the entire clan So dont worry Theres plenty for everyone Christy Ill give you whats growing out of my back since they look more like boobs anyway Have fun at the gym Sing loud Sing proud
Ive got some for you too Chrysta And ive graduated from pear to weeble
Of course. PUNCTUATION. Sorry, Chrysta. :) LOL on the ee cummings!
Weeble, Deb? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! I can't wait to come home for Christmas and see my Ugly Mama's in person!!!!!!!!! (Chrysta, have you given anymore thought to making the trek north? We'll be there I think from the 23rd to the 5th of January.)
I'm dying!
How did I miss this for 6 whole hours? Pure genius.
The only thing better than needing help up top is needing help up top after you had a reduction/lift because up top was now around middle. And though you now have boobs that don't traverse the entire upper half of your body when you run, they somehow seem to be inverting (but at different rates, so I can be sure that I will be lopsided once again).
How awesome will it be to go ask for implants after having a reduction? I don't care. It shall be done.
Could this possibly have less to do with your post, Anna?
What's a Weeble?
Reading that gave me a little bit of a headache. You have the cutest kids ever. I may crash your family holiday celebration. That is all.
Anna, I think I've got Karl just about talked into it, although we have to make a side trip over to Ohio for a few days to see his bro Mark and sis Leslie and their families. Hey Colie, aren't you going to Erie? We need to caravan and you need to stay over at Mom's house at least one night so you can meet Anna and Deb and Lyss and Bird. Anyone else coming?
Nicole: Oh. My. Goodness. "Weebles wobble but they don't fall down." Because their butts are too big and heavy. O my word. Am I so much older than everyone else? Ack.
Deb, it's true that Colie is just a young'un, but you can take comfort in the fact that I am still older than you.
If you had a blog traffic analyzer you would see that I checked your blog 168 times yesterday. How am I the 16th comment. Must have turned off the computer and been productive, nah.
Deb, your side ponytail rocks.
UM, I hope we make the annual pilgrimage, I couldn't possibly stand missing out.
24 Hour Fitness has free childcare now??!?!?!?!? We paid our membership dues for all those years and never went because you had to pay to leave the kids in the germ infested kid area watched over oh so lovingly by the 80 year old side ponytail lady.
anna i love you. you are hillarious and I almost punched my screen.
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